Are You selling online?
Being relevant and current aside, selling online has a much larger reach than any brick and mortar store can attract – if setup correctly. Geographic boundaries are not a hinderance, you can sell locally or internationally. Basically, you’re not limited by foot traffic and can attract a lot more profit as a result.
How to transition to an online store?
You do not need to abandon your physical store, having both an online and physical location is hugely beneficial. Especially in the South African market where the public is becoming more online focus – seeing an online store with a physical location helps foster initial trust. That said, a physical location is not a mandatory requirement and many businesses run out of their home.
By 2021, over 20-million South Africans consumers will shop online. This is a huge jump considering that eCommerce currently only accounts for 1.4% of retail sales throughout the country. Which means, now is the time to make that step and get your brand established and trusted as an online supplier.
The first step is simply making the decision to go online and build your digital strategy. It may seem daunting, but having a physical store means you’re halfway there. What you have on your shelves is what you’ll have in your online store, just in a digital format. What you need to consider what platform to use, there are so many options that all promise to be your one stop solution. The truth is that nothing is easy, but with the right digital partner, you can be guided into this space and given the control you need to be in charge with confidence.
Think of your storefront and point of sale, mixed in with your inventory control and accounting system. Sounds scary, but once you’ve converted, you’re not going to look back – everything will work concurrently and cooperatively 24 hours a day. This is not to say there won’t be administrative elements, but coming from brick and mortar to online, it is easier to push numbers without requiring a costly team to run the kind of numbers you’re opening your business up to. All you need now, is the right partner…
Why choose Omniserv?
According to online South Africans, payment failure is a big issue (57%), while site speed (38%), being unable to find what they are looking for (37%) and difficulty in navigating the site (27%) all impact the likelihood of an end sale.
Choosing the platform and partner to guide you through and during your transition can be the deciding factor of your success. At Omniserv, we have a team of specialists that have built sites for and trained big brands with thousands of products and specific requirements for each. We use easy to use platforms that boast industry leading conversion rates by focusing on the user experience and user interface. Our sites are designed in a logical and familiar format so that site visitors feel comfortable from their first click. Take a look at some of the brands we’ve partnered with and built a lasting relationship with – Our Work.
Don’t be scared, don’t delay and don’t miss out. The online revolution is here, and it’s here to stay. South African consumers are starting to prefer shopping online and are looking for your products. We don’t consider ourselves service providers but rather an extension of your business, we become your partners. Your success is our success. Let’s build a connection and get your sales funnel in line and driving conversions – contact us today!